US ‘Office’ star BJ Novak’s response to discovering he’s an international catalog model gives us big Ryan the temp energy
By Sarah Finnan
27th Oct 2021
27th Oct 2021
You may think that you saw US 'Office' star BJ Novak’s face on the packaging for random generic goods such as ponchos, paint and cologne… and you’d be right.
As one of the core cast members on the hit US series The Office, BJ Novak is probably well used to seeing his face pop up in unexpected places. The last episode of the hilarious mockumentary aired on TV back in 2013, but the show’s popularity knows no bounds and eight years later, we’re all still watching, quoting and romanticising it.
Fame comes as part and parcel of the job – as does being recognised by fans, red carpet interviews and intermittent appearances in various celeb-centric magazines. Having your face used as part of the promotional packaging for random generic products sold around the world? Probably not as common, but now something Novak can tick off the list of places he’s seen his mug.
Detailing how a photo of him ended up on a public domain site, Novak said that this somehow led to him inadvertently becoming an international stock model. Recounting the brilliant story (and his very Ryan Howard attitude to the whole thing) over on Instagram, he admitted that he finds the saga thoroughly entertaining.
“Years ago, someone mistakenly put an image of me on a public domain site, and now apparently I am on products all around the world, but I am too amused to do anything about it,” he told followers. Proceeding to share a taste of some of the different items he’s seen his likeness appear on, products range from waterproof rain ponchos to electric razors, rechargeable hair clippers, cologne and even “rainbow art” face paint.

I mean as the Dundie Award winner of the hottest one in the office, it makes perfect sense really. If there’s anyone that would convince us to buy random nonsense we don’t actually need, it’s Ryan the temp… he started the fire and he absolutely fanned the flames.
If that wasn’t enough Office-related nostalgia for you today, this recent Twitter thread is sure to scratch that Dunder Mifflin itch for you. Thought up by digital content creator and fellow Office superfan Tumi213 (as he’s known on Twitter), the thread imagines how a modern episode of the show all about getting the vaccine might go… and it’s hella accurate.
“Imagine an episode of The Office where they all have to get vaccinated,” it begins, before followers responded in the comments with their interpretation of each character’s reaction.
Michael signed everyone up to get the vaccine because he wanted everyone “to be safe”. Well, almost everyone. He didn’t get Toby an appointment because “quite frankly, he sucks”. Cut to Creed who claims to have “actually created a Delta Variant in the 70s in the back of a meth lab”. “Sold it to the highest bidder in the early 2000s on eBay,” he boasts before describing it as the “best $63 [he’s] ever made”.
Andy Bernard refers to himself in the third person, obviously. “Oh this nard dawg? Donezo. Went to the vaccination centre along with ma Cornell dudessss, yepp. Got em good stuff. Moderna. (High pitched) VaccinaaaAAaaTeDD”. If you listen closely, you can almost hear acapella singing in the background…
Jim got the vaccine, but couldn’t miss the opportunity to freak Dwight out, so he bought “this tiny thing that resembled a microchip” along with some fake blood and has enlisted Pam’s help to take said chip out of him “in an attempt to convince Dwight that [he’s] being tracked by the government”.
Will Dwight take the vaccine? False. He maintains that “vaccine[s] are for the weak”. His plan is as follows: “I will expose myself to Covid and my immune system will prove that once and for all WE are stronger. We are superior. Mose died from the virus but Mose was weak. Natural selection.”
Stanley won’t be getting the vaccine either, but fully intends on catching Covid so he can use his two week’s paid leave to go to Bora Bora. Relaxation and self-care are his vaccine. Kelly’s decision is, of course, influenced by Ryan, who goads her into getting it then gaslights her when she does. Creed knows a guy who can help her out though. Angela is more concerned about vaccinating her cats than her son and is absolutely outraged when health officials won’t comply with her requests to give them their shots.
Dwight may not be getting the vaccine, but he has no intention of letting Michael down, so, fear not, he has a plan… we’re envisioning the fire escape episode, but even more chaotic.