‘I wake up and go to bed in pain. My children have the same syndrome – that’s what gets me through’

by Michelle Heffernan
10th Mar 2021
10th Mar 2021
Read time: 10 mins
In a time when we have all had our freedoms restricted, Michelle Heffernan speaks to three women with disabilities, who must constantly endure hardship over Ireland’s response to illness.
Evie Nevin is a mother to two and a board member of EmployAbility West Cork. She hopes disabled people will not be forgotten after this pandemic. What is your disability? I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It’s a genetic condition but I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 26. I had issues and difficulties my whole life but the expertise just wasn’t there to recognise it. The condition causes my joints to dislocate very easily. My hips...
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