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5 things to get rid of in your New Year’s spring clean
Image / Self / Health & Wellness

Zara Home

5 things to get rid of in your New Year’s spring clean

by Sarah Finnan
07th Jan 2025

Our homes should be places of rest and relaxation, not storage units burdened by growing mountains of stuff.

This time of year can often spark the sudden and immediate urge to completely overhaul your life. My Instagram algorithm has ceased serving me helpful wrapping tips and now my homepage is a constant rotation of spotlessly clean homes where mess and excess don’t seem to exist. It can all be a little overwhelming if I’m honest. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love a spring clean as much as the next person but… where to start? Tempting as it might be to turn the house upside down and try and fix everything at once, my advice would be to start small – accomplish one task and you’ll be inspired to start another; upend every nook and cranny and the job will seem insurmountable.

So, with that in mind, here are five things to target if you need a little January refresh.

Gifts you won’t use

First things first, get rid of unwanted gifts. This might seem ruthless but if it’s not something you love and know you’ll get plenty of use out of, it will ultimately end up as clutter. I have fallen into the trap of holding onto things under the illusion that I will need them someday… I rarely—if ever—do. It’s ok to rehome items that don’t suit your taste, lifestyle, or that you already have; someone else will appreciate them. Keep things in their original packaging and regift them, sell them on Vinted/Depop or drop them into your local charity shop. I promise you’ll feel all the better for it.

Expired food items 

This one’s an obvious one but a fridge clear out post-Christmas is essential. Most families tend to overbuy in the run-up to December 25, so there are probably things hidden at the bottom of drawers that you’ve completely forgotten about. Cull expired products, wipe the shelves, and reorganise the remaining produce so you can use it up in your next meal. If your fruit bowl is burdened with overripe fruit, whip up a loaf of fresh banana bread and invite your neighbour round for a cuppa.

Old beauty products

On that note, your make-up bag probably needs a refresh too. Start by checking expiration dates on products – old mascaras or dried-up foundations two shades too dark should be the first to go. Next on the chopping block? Products you never reach for; think red lipstick you’re too scared to wear, glitter eyeliner you bought for a gig three summers ago, old lip balms smeared with unidentified pocket fluff. You most likely restocked on a few favourites over the festive season so now’s the time to use up the last drops of near-empty tubes and toss them too. Finish by cleaning your makeup brushes and arranging staples for easy access.

Unworn clothes 

I know, I know – it’s the most dreaded task of all, but your wardrobe deserves breathing room and you may as well strike while the iron is hot. Think of this as an opportunity to create space for pieces that reflect your style and make getting dressed in the morning a joyous (as opposed to stressful) experience. Pull everything out onto your bed and let the fashion show begin. Be honest with yourself about what you will and won’t wear and discard as needed. Needless to say, items that don’t fit are an immediate no; it’s 2025, we’re not holding onto things in the hopes we’ll squeeze into them someday. If it doesn’t spark joy, you’re probably not going to wear it so it’s time to let it go. Donate or sell the excess or consider hosting a fashion swap with friends… one man’s trash is another man’s treasure after all. 

Paper clutter

Old bills, receipts and junk mail can pile up quickly – especially during Christmas when you’re holding on to bits of paper in case you need to return something or get a different size or… the list goes on. Most of it is just rubbish though. Going through the pile will require time and concentration so stick the kettle on, grab the rest of the festive chocolate and block off an hour or so to just get it done. Anything that needs to be kept can be stored digitally (you can scan documents so you have them on your laptop) or in a labelled folder if you prefer having a hardcopy. Shred anything with sensitive information to protect your privacy and recycle the rest. Admittedly, this is my least favourite job on this list but I get a great sense of achievement from finally clearing the growing mound of leaflets littering my desk and I know you will too. Godspeed!

Photography by Zara Home.

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