11th Nov 2020
11th Nov 2020
Find out how to prepare your body and your mind for menopause throughout your life and ensure any symptoms you do experience can be easily managed, not feared. Dr Marion Gluck, founder of The Marion Gluck Clinic, the bio-identical hormone specialists, shares her advice in preparing for the menopause.
A healthy diet is a great way to ensure your later years are easier. Focus on eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds, nuts and wholegrains, and drink lots of water; this is a great foundation to build a healthy lifestyle. There are so many benefits of eating well but in addition to this many fresh fruits and vegetables will actually help your body balance hormones. Balancing hormones is vital for a healthy monthly cycle and will help ease menopause in later years. Exercise and practicing mindfulness or meditation are also great ways to train your brain to switch off and to calm your body.
If you suffer with PMS or severe period pains, keeping a journal or diary and recording when symptoms are at their worst and how to help reduce them is a good first step in understanding any monthly changes. PMS is an example of how hormone imbalance can exacerbate symptoms and is why hormone balancing with bio-identical hormones should be considered earlier in life. Bio- identical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones found in our bodies and are made from plant estrogens in compounding pharmacies.
Women who suffer higher levels of stress are more likely to experience the menopause earlier and may even see symptoms worsen because of it. Stress and anxiety are released via the adrenal gland and can have a huge affect on a women’s body and how it functions. If you are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety, due to work or other pressures, it’s essential to schedule periods of time each week to get away from it all and focus on some self-care. Soothing walks are a great way to calm a busy mind and also helps your body stay fit and supple.
Changes to the menstruation cycle are common in this age bracket. Monthly symptoms can worsen due to childbirth, endometriosis or other ongoing problems. Seek medical advice if things change significantly.
Hormones affect how severe symptoms are and by ensuring that progesterone and estrogen levels are balanced, you can minimise any symptoms. Women with high levels of progesterone will experience mood and weight fluctuations, while high levels of estrogen will present with tender breasts, low sex drive and irregular periods. Balancing hormones can be achieved through nutrition, exercise and meditation but the process can also be enhanced with the use of bio-identical hormones.
Around 45 years of age, many women being to enter the perimenopause. During this time an emphasis should be placed on keeping active and the body supple, however exercise shouldn’t be overdone as this can heighten symptoms. Bone densities weaken as we age so a gentler form of exercise, such as swimming or Pilates are ideal.
Irregular periods and symptoms such as hot flushes and mood swings may begin as you approach your 50s. By this point you may have adopted a range of tricks to help deal with any monthly changes. Try to take a proactive approach to any new ones, such as dressing more lightly or carrying a handheld fan to help with hot flushes.
If you are finding that your symptoms are severe and the lifestyle changes not making a huge difference, it is likely that an increased hormone imbalance is the problem. By introducing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy that is prescribed specifically to each patient’s own hormone levels, women can relive symptoms.
Each and every woman will have experienced so many changes in their bodies over a lifetime and everyone will experience the transition from peri-menopause to menopause differently. The menopause is something not to be feared and proactively looking ahead and introducing lifestyle changes is the best way to approach this time. However, if you are finding it difficult, don’t suffer in silence, reach out to a specialist or doctor who can help. Remember if you’ve been prone to problems in your twenties and thirties, it’s always wise to tackle any hormone issues earlier, rather than leaving them to get worse.
Dr. Marion Gluck has gained global acclaim for her work in women’s health and bioidentical hormone balancing therapy which can help reduce menopause and perimenopause symptoms. The Marion Gluck Clinic is the UK’s leading medical clinic that pioneered the use of bioidentical hormones to restore and maintain optimal health and hormone balance for patients. Headed up by Dr. Marion Gluck herself, the clinic uses her pioneering method of bioidentical hormonal treatment to rebalance hormones to improve wellbeing, quality of life and slow down ageing.