‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’
‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’

Dominique McMullan

This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes
This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes

Megan Burns

‘I’ve had other jobs on the go at the same time during a few stages in my creative career’
‘I’ve had other jobs on the go at the same time during a few stages...

Sarah Finnan

Image / Business

TikTok ‘Finfluencers’ are changing the way Gen Z manage their money

by Amanda Cassidy
25th Mar 2023

‘Finfluencers’ are DIY finance influencers helping Gen Z boost their financial literacy. Is this growing cohort changing the way women manage their finances? Amanda Cassidy looks at how money talks in the digital age.

DIY finance influencers, or ‘finfluencers’, are helping Gen Z demystify money. When Erika Kullberg posted that she’d paid off her student debt in just two years, her social media followers immediately wanted to know how. So she turned to TikTok as a way of sharing her approach to personal finance. And people wanted more. She discovered a passion for creating videos with her tips and advice and now boasts over nine million TikTok followers. In...

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