The male loneliness epidemic and why women are still carrying the emotional load
The male loneliness epidemic and why women are still carrying the emotional load

Roe McDermott

Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’

Shayna Sappington

Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’


Image / Self

Battle of the blondes: ‘The sink looked like a crime scene. I stared at the mirror, mouth open’

by Amy Lynch
11th Aug 2022

Amy Lynch: Approaching 40 and wondering ‘should I ditch the blonde?’

Amy has always been blonde…with a little bit of help. There has been periods of Sun-In (remember it?!), expensive highlights and box dyes. But as she approached 40, she started to think about the big question…‘should I ditch the blonde?’

“Catriona!” my hairdresser exclaimed across the salon last week when I went in for a bob. “This lady colours her own hair!” Catriona abandoned her lady for a proper look.  “Really?”  “Um, yeah, started in lockdown,” I lied, scarlet that I only shell out €7 on box dye and not an absolute fortune on highlights at the salon. Apparently, it was socially acceptable to say you dyed your hair at home when the country shut...

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