by Amanda Cassidy
26th Nov 2022
26th Nov 2022
Christmas Eve boxes, matching PJs for the Late Late Show, Elf on the Shelf and Christmas 'experiences,' perfect table plans and the panto and ice-skating and the sparkly nails and gifts galore and expensive soirées....Suddenly December isn't so much the most wonderful time of the year as the most manic. Amanda Cassidy is tired of the festival of consumerism.
Everyone I speak to is exhausted from all the things we promised ourselves we wouldn’t do any more. Instead of cutting back our busy busyness, FOMO has replaced a two-year long enforced JOMO. It means that every children’s activity in the world is booked out. We’ve said yes to every single upcoming event. We’ve overscheduled and taken on every volunteering role that we possibly can. We’ve heaped sparkles upon sparkle, glittered up to our eyeballs...
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