My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly
My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly

Sarah Finnan

The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring
The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring

Sinead Keenan

Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness to lives well-lived’
Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness...

Sarah Finnan


I should have had one more baby

by Jennifer McShane

The biological and emotional reality of longing for another child at the 11th hour

“My friends always said it after I had my second child – are you done, done? As in, will there be any more? Almost everyone I know has at least three children, so it didn’t seem like a pressurised question,” says Sarah,* a mum-of-two from Wexford. “I was really happy with two and didn’t think too much about it until I was in my late thirties,” she says. When asked what changed, Sarah says she...

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