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Real Weddings: Catherine and Chris’ St Patrick’s Day wedding in Co Meath

Shayna Sappington

Shortlist announced for the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2025
Shortlist announced for the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2025

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Image / Self / Real-life Stories

‘I’m being followed again.’ This is what racial profiling looks like in Ireland

by Angela O'Shaughnessy
21st May 2021


Racial profiling is a common problem in this country. Angela O'Shaughnessy sits down with four people of colour and a sociologist for their take on the practice.

IMAGE is re-publishing this article as part of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. “That security guard is following us again,” Nigerian Irish-language broadcaster and writer Ola Majekodunmi tells me as she recounts being racially profiled while shopping with her mum as a child. It still happens often enough. “I’m on guard a lot when I go to the supermarket and always feel kind of paranoid if I see a security guard. It’s...

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