Welcome Aries season, from March 20th to April 20th!
The astrological new year starts March 20th, the first day of Aries season. If you’d like to align with cosmic time (or if you’ve long ago abandoned your resolutions from January 1st), now is your chance to revitalise mere wishes with the force of Aries action behind them.
Indeed, the Ram is our most active, hard-charging sign. Motto: just do it. Modus operandi: shoot first, ask questions later. For those of us always adrift in indecision, Aries energy will help get us out of our heads and into the world. And for those of us already action-packed, this is your month to go even harder, better, faster, stronger.
Ruled by warlike Mars, the Ram tends not to play well with others. Confrontation, combat, and conflict characterise it. Hence its symbol: the Ram (hard-headed, head-butting). As such, Aries season is the “me-first” sign. Use the next few weeks, therefore, to think about what you want and need–and then go get it. This is not a season for consensus-building, but rather executive action.
All of this initiatory energy derives from the Ram’s cardinal fire nature. “Cardinal” means that it inaugurates a season (along with Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer). These cardinal signs lead us in new directions. But of the four, the cardinal fire of Aries is thought to be the most potent. William Ramsey (a wonderful astrologer of deep yore) put it hence: “the true time from whence judgement is to be raised for the exact knowledge and predicting of future natural events in the Elements for any year, is when the Sun enters the first point or minute of Aries.”
The “first point”of 2023 will occur on March 20th, 21:25, to be exact. Our advice: go out alone at this precise minute, stare into the sky to become one with the cosmic order, and then take a long jog, like Rocky Balboa, getting ready for the big prize fight (which is life).
Aries season dates of note
Aside from ushering in the grandeur of Spring, Aries season will be chock full of big transits this year. To wit:
Pluto (aka the Bulldozer) moves very slowly through our cosmos, taking 250 years to orbit the Sun. It has been in earthy Capricorn since 2008, but it changes into airy Aquarius on March 24th, where it will reside until 2043. Pluto is a disruptive force. In a couple of days, it will be turning life into a construction zone, especially related to Aquarian themes (technology, innovation, etc). Expect some new techy breakthroughs or breakdowns around this date (like robots emerging/escaping from a lab, and heralding a new cyborg world order).
On March 25th, aggressive Mars finally changes signs after spending an inordinate amount of time in Gemini (8 months, as opposed to its usual 6 weeks). It will enter emotional Cancer. Mars and Cancer together could have us in our feelings over little things around the house this date. Don’t cry over spilt milk (it’s only milk).
Communications-expert Mercury shifts into slow-poke Taurus on April 3rd. Planet Messenger likes moving fast and furious, but the Bull’s fixed earth nature tends to impede the Speedster. You could find yourself impatiently waiting for text messages or contracts or other important information around this date. Blame Taurus if your smiley face emoji to a friend takes longer than mere nano-seconds to traverse the globe.
Venus waltzes out of Taurus and into Gemini on April 11th. The Twins love to chat about all things great and small, but mostly small. With Planet Love in the picture, this is a transit for sweet talk and whispering sweet nothings, either to yourself or a helpmate, preferably the latter.
And what about the Moon, our emotional pulse? This is a crazy lunar season. We have two New Moons in Aries (rare indeed). On March 21st, the first New Moon augurs a date to fly solo. Group dynamics will only aggravate you. On April 19th, get ready for another New Moon in Aries, only this time it’s going to be eclipsed by the Sun. Eclipses are slightly ominous transits. The Ancients used to hide kings away during them for fear of death or hazard to their Majesty. Not that we support the monarchy or royalty in any form, but, if you wish to protect your own person, maybe you should abscond to a secret place, as well, and wait this loggerheads lunation out.
That leaves us, in closing, with the Full Moon in Libra on April 6th. For all of those who prefer communism and cooperation to the rugged individualism of Yank Aries, this Libra Full Moon is for you. Libra is the sign of social harmony. Celebrate togetherness with family, friends, or both with this lovely lunation.