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It’s Libra season – aka time to get even
Image / Self / Advice

It’s Libra season – aka time to get even

by Clarisse Monahan
22nd Sep 2022

Welcome Libra season, from 23rd September to 23rd October!

We’ve all read this: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” And maybe this: “Bachelors have consciences, married men have wives.” What do these quotes by Dickens and Dr. Samuel Johnson have in common? Perfectly balanced sentence structure for one. And what do these balanced sentences have to do with astrology? Well, it’s Libra season, whose symbol is the Scales and whose influence has to do with symmetry, fairness, and the just measure of thought, feeling, and action. That is to say, balance is this month’s keyword. If Libra were a sentence, it would read like the opening to A Tale of Two Cities.

Each year the Sun’s ingress into Libra coincides with the autumn equinox. It’s the date when daytime and nighttime are of the same length, like scales weighted just right. This equality pertains not only to the skies but to Libra’s sense of fairness in the world. Indeed, there is a bit of a social justice warrior aspect to this season. Do not be surprised if you experience a yen for justice over the next few weeks, or feel the sting of injustice toward others more keenly.

You may also find yourself requiring more social harmony than usual, especially pertaining to your partner. Unlike Aries season, which is the most ego-centric and independent time of the year, Libra rules over the part of our charts related to partnerships and marriages. It’s the “you complete me” sign. If Aries is a time to focus on us, Libra season turns attention to spouses and helpmates. How to find equilibrium with them?

The fact that Libra is ruled by Venus (love and beauty) might go some way in explaining this other-oriented ontology. Venus moves us toward people, places, and things due to love or desire for them or their beauty. Mars, in contrast, moves us away from these things. It’s a divisive energy, where Venus is unifying. We might, therefore, be attracted more to a partner physically in the upcoming weeks (with a concomitant desire for hanky panky). Or we might wish to be near beautiful art, music, or picturesque vistas. Let’s put it this way: Carvaggio’s gorgeous The Taking of Christ at the National Gallery will have a lot more onlookers this month, thanks to Libra.

In a practical sense, try to beautify at least one thing in the home or on your person this season. If you take that step, Venus/Libra energy will take ten toward you. Implicit here: Libra is perhaps the most image-conscious sign. Leo wants attention, but Libra needs to look good regardless of it. Get to the salon, spruce up nails, purchase some lacy undergarments. Put in a little effort to sparkle hard for your bae.

Libra season dates of note

Now, the biggest days of the month are these. We suggest that you set up some astro-notifications in your phone, so you’ll be most aligned to those big pretty Libra scales in heaven.

On September 25th, we have a New Moon in Libra. Such lunations are for fresh starts. If you’ve been tangled up in busy-work or emotional fisticuffs with a partner, take a deep breath and hit reset on this Moon. And if you’re single and looking for a special someone, this is a great night to go out for romance.

Lovely Venus, the ruler of Libra, enters its home sign on September 29th for a three week run. Highly auspicious Venus gets extra points here. Think of this transit as an elevated time for relationships. Lots of gazing into eyes and/or at sunsets together. Thrills.

Mercury (of the silver tongue) has been wobbly the past few weeks due to a pesky retrograde, but it gains strength by going direct in the sky on October 2nd. If you’ve been tongue-tied by this retro, it loosens its knot on this date. Words will flow more around then to go with Venus’ love.

We have a Full Moon in me-first Aries on October 9th. We spoke above about Libra’s tilt toward the other during its season. Well, balance works both ways. Put some weight on the selfish side of the Scales on this date and focus on you and yours.

On October 10th, we have Mercury (communication) passing into Libra. This is a sweet talk transit. Get what you want with words. Maybe it’s time for a raise? This three-week transit, starting the 10th, is a time to ask for it.

In terms of slightly bigger cosmic happenings, the time-keeper Saturn moves out of its retrograde on October 23rd. With Saturn retrograde, we may have been experiencing what’s known as “Blursday,” a Covid-inspired term, which refers to having no idea what day of the week it is. Expect Saturn to get you back on schedule, at least existentially, toward month’s end.

Illustration by pch.vector.