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Image / Self / Health & Wellness

‘When I menopaused I got no support, no guidance. Every bit of help I got, I got it myself’

by Helen Seymour
13th May 2021

Read time: 6 mins


The lack of awareness, education and information around the menopause, the perimenopause and early menopause in Ireland is stark. Claire was 35 when she was told she had menopaused, and the help she received was severely lacking.

Liveline covered an important topic last week – the menopause. In fact, the RTE phone show was so inundated with women wanting to talk about how they struggled to get support for the life-limiting symptoms of menopause which were often dismissed by the medical profession, that they set up a dedicated phone line. There have since been calls for an information campaign from the HSE as a “serious information deficit” is obvious among the Irish...

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