Shortlist announced for the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2025
Shortlist announced for the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2025

Leonie Corcoran

WIN a Life Design workshop package with DEFRÉIN
WIN a Life Design workshop package with DEFRÉIN


The events, groups and spaces that will help you find your tribe
The events, groups and spaces that will help you find your tribe


Image / Self / Real-life Stories

Perimenopause & Me: ‘Mood swings and waterfalls of sweat — more than anything else, I felt embarrassed’

by Sarah Gill
19th Jan 2023


From randomly bursting into tears mid-sentence to foregoing social occasions for fear of hot flashes, perimenopause makes its presence felt in a myriad of ways. Here, one 60-year-old woman reflects on the feelings she brushed under the carpet while she was in the throes of this change of life.

When I look back on the period of my life where signs and symptoms of perimenopause were just beginning to set in, I realise now that I averted my gaze from this new reality at all costs. During my reproductive years, I was lucky enough to get away relatively lightly in terms of periods, cramping and mood fluctuations. I’ve always been hugely emotional — to an embarrassing degree, my daughters may say — so whether...

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