Rosemary MacCabe: ‘I thought I’d accepted my body – then I got pregnant’

by Rosemary MacCabe
29th Jul 2021
29th Jul 2021
Read time: 7 minutes
Rosemary MacCabe's changing pregnant body led her to realise that she was not as comfortable in her skin as she once thought. But as her belly grew, so did her love for it.
I went on my first diet at the age of 14, joining my local Weight Watchers group and being astonished to discover that I had a full stone to lose. I, like many other magazine-reading teens, had assumed that I would have an extra 10 lbs to “get rid” of. Ten was the magic number of pounds written about in articles about getting summer-ready. Ten was a stubborn number of pounds, for sure, but it...
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