Rosemary MacCabe: The weird pregnancy symptoms that people don’t tell you about

by Rosemary MacCabe
16th Jun 2021
16th Jun 2021
Read time: 8 minutes
In her pregnancy diary, Rosemary MacCabe discusses the symptoms and general body weirdness that would have been useful to know in advance, but people are too fixated on soft-serve ice cream.
There are a lot of random pieces of information people will share with you, once you have let them know that you are pregnant. Friends, family, strangers on Instagram – they will all rally around to let you know what, exactly, to expect when you’re expecting. You’ll hear about epidurals and episiotomies; hospital bags and perineal sprays; kegel exercises and hypnobirthing apps and pregnancy pillows (the best, according to my Instagram family, is the bbhugme...
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