The male loneliness epidemic and why women are still carrying the emotional load
The male loneliness epidemic and why women are still carrying the emotional load

Roe McDermott

Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’

Shayna Sappington

Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’


Image / Self / Health & Wellness

Taking up running in your 40s. How hard can it be?

by Amy Lynch
09th Sep 2022

Perimenopause and turning 40 meant Amy’s usual exercise routine wasn’t cutting it so, despite a dodgy knee and with thoughts of her dad’s heart-attack in her mind (he was in his 50s), she took up running…

I started running in my forties. Sure, how hard can it be? Spoiler alert: hard. Very hard. That’s probably because I’m just not a runner.  Decades ago, I filed myself into the “I cannot run” category. And I was okay with that. School sports memories comprised of being picked last, winning zero athletics medals and letting the volleyball team down with a failed spike that ended in a skint knee and a long bus ride...

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