The struggle bringing up your children without family close-by is a real one in Ireland
by Victoria Stokes
29th Jul 2022
29th Jul 2022
With rising childcare costs and increasingly demanding schedules, parents need the support of their nearest and dearest now more than ever. But what supports are there for parents who can’t call on siblings, cousins or lifelong friends to babysit or occupy the little ones for an hour while mum has a well-deserved nap? A baby exchange could be one answer.
According to an often-cited ancient African proverb, it takes a village to raise a child. Every parent needs friends, neighbours, and family who are willing to pitch in when needed. This little nugget of wisdom may be centuries old, but with rising childcare costs and increasingly demanding schedules, parents need the support of their nearest and dearest now more than ever. But what about those mums and dads who don’t have both sets of parents...
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