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The five essential beauty steps to take on a long-haul flight

By Aisling Keenan
19th Nov 2018
The five essential beauty steps to take on a long-haul flight

Do these five things during any long-haul flight to look and feel worlds better when you land…

I recently had to fly from Dublin to Hong Kong for work. The trip took five days in total, but two whole days of that was for travelling. So, many flights and transfers later I felt like (and I’m sure I looked like) a prune. I had long since said goodbye to the notion that I might look good when disembarking any or all of the aforementioned long-haul flights, and had to just do what I could while in the air to try to not shrivel up completely. Here’s what worked for me:



Take any makeup you have on off straight away. Not with a wipe. Use something less drying – that’s what you’re trying to avoid. These Moxi Loves Bare Faced pads are ideal – they’re cleaner infused, so you can just add water. Ideal for flying too, because you can pack them in your carry on without having to take up precious liquid space.

Moxi Loves Bare Faced Cleanser Infused Makeup Removal Pads, €3.95



Some might recommend sheet masks. I, for one, do not. Too scary. A bit ridiculous. You’re not Mariah Carey (and if you are – I’m glad you’re an Image.ie reader). As well as the fact that you won’t really be able to get comfy with one on, you’ll have to take it off after 20 minutes. You’re better off getting a sleep mask, something that absorbs into your skin and hydrates and works for eight plus hours.

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask, €45



Bring a really nice hydrating toner or water spray with you on board and keep it beside you at all times. Every time your skin feels a little parched, mist yourself. Bonus points if you get one with lavender or chamomile or something that will help relax you and soothe your skin.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Miracle Hydrating Mist, €25



Keep a really great hand cream and lip balm in your carry-on. Whatever it is about flights, everything gets drier faster – you’ll have hands like the Sahara and lips to match if you don’t keep them well moisturised. Pro-tip: Apply some lip balm around your nose too, that area gets really dry. Doing that is also supposed to ward off colds (didn’t work for me, but sure look).

Antipodes Joyful Hand & Body Cream, €36.50



Pack eye drops, apply them generously if and when you need them. Before a nap. After a nap. Before you watch a movie. Before they serve the snacks. Just go mad, it’ll be lovely and refreshing. Every time you go for an eye drop, drink half a bottle of water. Now I know you’re thinking MY GOD that’ll mean going to the loo (and climbing over your fellow passengers to get there) ninety times – yes, it will have that effect. But your body will thank you very gratefully. I promise.

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no advice in the world I can give that will completely eliminate cankles. I had feel and ankles that looked like sides of ham for about three days post-flight. Sexy.