Beyoncé is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she rarely puts a foot wrong when it comes to trends. But I cannot and will not support her latest look…
Anyone who knows me will be aware of my unwavering and sometimes borderline obsessive support of Beyoncé. I’ve seen her live 22 times. I have spent more on one ticket to one of her concerts than I did on my first car. I’m quite serious.
Having said that… She recently posted a series of pictures to her Instagram (where she has 131 million followers but follows back no one. Not even her sister, mother or husband) and in one of them, you could clearly see her latest manicure.
And, guys. She was wearing… French. Tips. See below for the eye scarring evidence.
I just can’t go with you down this road. There are lots of your posts I take inspiration from but truly, if I was to ask my nail tech for a French manicure, she’d have an aneurysm and then would check her calendar to make sure we weren’t in 1998 and starring in a Steps music video. So it’s a no from me, Bey. But here are some nail looks I CAN support…
Read more: Future icon: Struggling with yellow nails? This Cutex product will sort it
Read more: Five ways to improve the quality of your nails, according to the experts
Read more: Why nail experts want real manicures to make a comeback