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Beyonce’s Biggest Beauty Secrets Revealed

10th Aug 2015
Beyonce’s Biggest Beauty Secrets Revealed

Beyonce’s beauty/anti-aging secrets are about to become yours for the taking. Her longtime make-up artist/BFF Sir John Barnett has just been scooped by L’Oreal Paris to create a range of products that – hallelujah – will be affordable to us mere mortals. In an interview with The Cut, the arteest shared his most coveted beauty secrets and if you too would like to look like pop royalty, you’d better listen up. Barnett trained under the guidance of Charlotte Tilbury and has gone on to work with not just Bey but Rihanna, Karlie Kloss and Chrissy Teigen.

Above all else, he is skincare-obsessed. In fact, one of his most loved tricks is to use eye cream all over the face.

“I’m a skin-care junkie. I like to use eye creams around the face. I also like to use face creams on the body. I approach the body from head to toe as if the whole body will be seen. Most women concern themselves only with the area from hairline to the chin. It’s not about that. It’s about bringing the conversation of skin care into the d?collet?, onto your back, and into your legs.

But to get your skin into optimum?condition, drink kale. Kale is very high in vitamin K and it increases circulation and helps cell turnover. If you approach your makeup with a holistic approach to health, everything else seems a bit easier. A highlighter also helps! I like cream highlighters instead of powdery, shimmery bricks because they appear a bit more natural. When you want that beachy glow, make sure the products you use have a soft quality. It’s not so much of a shimmery, glittery highlight as it is more of an emollient, glowing post-SoulCycle, post-sex kind of look. L’Or?al Lumi is my current favorite highlighter.”

So there you have it; eye cream all over your face, face cream all over your body, and lots and lots of kale. Do that for at least a week and we guarantee you’ll wake up a ringer for Beyonce and her glowing visage.*

*No, no we don’t, but it’s worth a try.

The Cut

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