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Five tricks I’ve copied from Nikki Make-up’s Sunday tutorials

By Aisling Keenan
29th May 2019
Five tricks I’ve copied from Nikki Make-up’s Sunday tutorials

I am fully obsessed with Nikki Make-up‘s Sunday tutorials, and have picked up tricks I’d never learned in my decade-long career as a beauty editor. Here are the five things I’ve adopted into my own make-up routine.

Remember when Glenroe’s theme tune signalled the end of the weekend and the start of the school week? Well, thankfully, I’ve graduated from both school and the dulcet sound of Glenroe and have a new Sunday ritual – Nikki Make-up’s tutorials. Her voice is soothing, her models are stunning, her nails are mesmerising, but her skills in beauty are what really matters, and they are nothing short of outstanding.

Lesson 1:

Put the foundation/primer/highlighter/whatever into your palm to warm it. I love this trick and I’ve started using my palms almost like a mixing palette since seeing Nikki do it.

Lesson 2:

Nikki’s skills with highlight are incredible. Until seeing her do it, I’d never have attempted to put a liquid highlight on over anything powdery like blush or setting powder – but she does, to amazing effect.


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Some colour to brighten up your Monday ? Tutorial for this fun look with @kiirrajones is now on my story highlights #nikki_makeup

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Lesson 3:

Don’t. Ever. Touch. Your. Brows. As in, don’t pluck them, wax them, thread them – leave them au natural and let them grow wild and free. Because, reader. Nikki can transform them no matter what, and therefore with a little Soap Brow, so can you.

nikki makeup

Soap Brows Kit

€15, from West Barn Co.

Lesson 4:

Work with your own face. One of my favourite things about Nikki is that she always works on so many different faces and skin types and skin colours and ages. She knows how to make the best of anyone’s natural features, and doesn’t just erase all signs of natural shape only to draw it back on and call it contouring. It’s taught me to embrace my natural high points, low points and make the best of what I’ve already got.

Lesson 5:

Trust the process. You know how sometimes you’re putting together a look and halfway through you look like a Victorian era child who appears to be fading fast from a mystery illness? Well, sometimes you have to trust that it will all come together – and with Nikki, it always does. Even if you’re not sure where it’s going.

Read more: Instagram beauty: What not to miss this weekend

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Photo: @nikki_makeup on Instagram