Categories: Beauty

Is this high-end La Prairie treatment worth the €70 spend?

by Aisling Keenan
22nd Nov 2019

La Prairie is a super high-end skincare brand beloved by millions — in spite of the price tag. I trialled their mini-facial and their new eye product, and my skin’s reaction was unique…

I’ll admit, when first I tried La Prairie skincare I was sceptical. Can something really be worth a price tag like that? The first product of theirs I tried was the White Caviar Créme Extraordinaire, which is an eye-wateringly expensive €637.

But… I adored it. My face never looked better, more luminous, more even-toned. Obviously I was left bereft because, as a freelance journalist, €637 every few months isn’t quite in my budget. But was it worth it? I think so.

The facial

I went into Brown Thomas to have a La Prairie skin treatment recently, and as expected, my skin was glowing afterwards. So much so that instead of slinking home, afraid I’d run into someone I know when wearing zero make-up, I walked around town and took in the Christmas spirit a bit before leaving.

My skin was smooth, bright, hydrated… everything you want after a facial. Jackie, the lovely therapist who has worked for the brand for over ten years, was seriously skilled.

The eye serum

The reason I was trialling this facial was to properly experience the new eye serum from La Prairie.

You probably know the eye cream rule by now — you tap it in around your orbital bone, making sure not to go too close to the eye. Your skin in that area is so thin and sensitive that too much product can be counterintuitive, leaving you with puffiness or milia (little white spots).

Skin Caviar Eye Lift has a super-fine texture so it’s okay to apply to the close undereye area and lids. I’ll admit, I like that, as sometimes I feel my eye area is a little dry (by comparison) to the rest of my face after cleansing.

The eye massage

As part of every La Prairie face treatment, Jackie told me, an extensive and prolonged (in the best way) eye massage is included. And the results of that spoke for themselves: my eyes were brighter, lifted, more awake and I didn’t look tired at all. For the first time in months, mind you.

Jackie used the Essence-in-Lotion Caviar water on me too, helping all the other products work to their best.

The best part

La Prairie products themselves aren’t cheap, but the facial itself is €70, which is reasonable for over an hour. And what I couldn’t believe was that it’s redeemable when you buy two La Prairie products. So really, if you’re buying skincare from them anyway, it’s practically free. High-end beauty treatments don’t get much better!

Read more: The IMAGE Guide to choosing the right facial for you

Read more: Is this unique facial really better than Botox?

Read more: This easy, at-home facial will make you feel like you’ve been to the spa

Photo from Pexels