I’ve been using Biologique Recherche and my plump, silky smooth skin speaks for itself
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By Dominique McMullan
15th Nov 2018
15th Nov 2018
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I was vaguely aware of Biologique Recherche last year. I knew it was a skincare brand loved by celebrities and that you couldn’t buy it in any old pharmacy. I then had the pleasure of being invited out for lunch with the chairman of the brand, Rupert Schmid and brand manager Raphaëlle Faure.
I’ve been a journalist for quite a few years, and with the job comes a lot of beauty products. Tough I know. Any lotion or potion you can slather or swallow; I’ve probably put on my skin. My face is highly sensitised from using far too many acids and I have Rosacea which means redness and yet more sensitivity. Because of this, I have become a little more discerning over time. My skin is like the kid in the school playground who cries if someone shouts too loudly, so I like to keep my routine simple and am not easily persuaded off my beaten track.
However, Rupert Schmid was persuasive. We chatted about how Biologique Recherche pride themselves on high-end, personalised skincare. You must be prescribed their products, making it impossible to use something that will not suit you. A doctor, a biologist and a physiotherapist founded Biologique Recherche 40 years ago and science is truly at the core of the brand.
This is all easy to say, but the proof is in the pudding and I left the lunch promising Rupert I would try a trio of products for at least three months. I placed Lait VIP 02 – an oxygenating cleansing milk; Masque Visolastine – a long, lasting moisturising face mask; and Lotion P50W – a gentle exfoliating and purifying lotion, above my sink. I used the products pretty consistently and I can now tell you, in all honesty, that the results were amazing.
I used the oxygenating cleansing milk as a second cleanser every evening. The creamy texture was lovely and left my skin feeling clean without feeling tight. There are other milky cleansers that are probably as good, but the antipollution element to this cleanser lifts it above the rest for me.
Next, I use the Lotion P50W. Hold on to your hats readers, because this one is a game changer. This is the stuff smooth skin dreams are made of and it’s a cult product for a reason. I dab it on and leave it. It all happens so quickly but the results after only one month blow me away.
This product is essentially a chemical exfoliator. Normally, chemical exfoliators leave my skin inflamed and a bit of a mess. Not so with Lotion P50W. It leaves me with plump, silky smooth skin and everything that goes on top of it works better. My foundation sits more evenly, and my moisturisers and serums sink in faster. If that wasn’t enough, my occasional hormonal breakouts have all but stopped and my redness is significantly reduced. (Full disclosure – I have also been getting IPL which is helping with redness and pigmentation.)
The third product, the moisturising mask, I have not used as frequently, because honestly, my skin has felt so great that I haven’t felt the need. But I will endeavour to give it a few more attempts and report back.
I got married last year, and focused on skincare intently for my wedding day, prepping with facials and lots of expensive product. But this year, without really trying, my skin is the best it has ever been. I will be reordering. I only wish I had known about them sooner.
To book your Biologique Recherche consultation, call The Greenhouse Project in Dublin on (01) 214 0222, Skin by Olga in Donnybrook or visit thegreenhouseproject.ie