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The lost art of the fancy shower (and why you should treat yourself this weekend)

By Aisling Keenan
22nd Mar 2019
The lost art of the fancy shower (and why you should treat yourself this weekend)

Have you been having too many bog standard showers? Are you missing out on the unbridled joy of the fancy shower? Take an hour (a full hour!) this weekend and give it a go, it’ll do wonders for how you feel…

Just in the interest of full disclosure, I’m trademarking a load of things here, none of which are actually trademarked but go with me – I’m doing it for dramatic effect as I explain exactly why fancy showers have become a regular feature in my week or fortnight. I don’t know why, but when I’m squeaky clean, freshly leg-shaved, clean-haired, clear-skinned and hydrated, I just feel like I’m ready to take on anything. And this takes more than your average shower experience to achieve.

The Standard Shower™

I’m sure you’ll all agree, it looks something like this:

  • Start to run shower
  • Quickly strip off
  • Get in before it’s fully warm
  • Rush through a single shampoo
  • Apply a bit of conditioner to your ends
  • A quick once over with a loofa
  • Rinse, rinse, rinse
  • Grab your towel and dry off

And off you go. It takes less than ten minutes. It’s quick, effective, does the job. And look, there’s nothing WRONG with the Standard Shower, per se.

I do this type of shower most of the time, with an occasional upgrade – during the winter months that sometimes involves shaving my ankle area before I go for a pedicure, or occasionally scrubbing manky, scaly tan off my elbows. But mostly, that’s the shower format we all adhere to.

We don’t have TIME to add bells and whistles – we’re busy career women, we’ve got children and hobbies and a house to clean and a social life to lead and a social media presence to moderate. Standard showers are our jam.

Related: The life-changing magic of having a bath

Oh, but the Fancy Shower™…

But you know those times when you just want to reset yourself? When you have an event to go to or a big birthday coming up or you steal a precious hour for yourself and the fancy shower idea takes hold? Event or no event, I’m urging you to have a fancy shower this weekend – and once a fortnight at least if at all possible. It does wonders. Here’s why I’m such an advocate, as I explain the possible steps you could include…

Pix ‘n Mix your Fancy Shower™ elements

Before you start, think about smells. Pick products that are going to make you feel like you’re showering in a spa. Dim the lights if you want, you probably aren’t going to be reading much while in the shower. And throw on some music you like. Set that scene, my gals.


  • Pre-shower body brushing
  • A double face cleanse with a fancy cleanser
  • Nail and toe polish removal to give yourself a blank canvas
  • A pre-applied hair mask while you potter around
  • Tan eraser application for any particularly stubborn bits
  • Application of hair removal cream, should that be your preference

Related: Give yourself the spa treatment at home (no bath required)


  • Double shampoo – once with your clarifying one and once with your fancy salon shampoo
  • Another hair mask maybe?
  • Shaving – underarms, legs, toes
  • Hair removal cream rinsing
  • Exfoliation – get a lovely exfoliating scrub and a loofa and clear all those dead skin cells
  • A thorough body clean with a good shower gel
  • Another wash with some kind of luxury, spa-brand body wash
  • A third hair mask – sure look. Why not.


  • Use your lovely, fluffy towel
  • Pat dry so as not to unduly redden your skin
  • Slather on the moisturiser, the nicest one you own, pay little heed to the quantity you get through
  • Throw on a hydrating sheet mask
  • Apply cuticle oil to your fingers and toes
  • Tint your eyebrows with a home tinting kit
  • Apply a luxurious lip balm
  • Brush through your eyebrow hairs and lashes
  • Comb your hair through and apply a nice oil
  • Get into your favourite robe and spend a few quiet minutes lounging so as not to ruin the buzz altogether

The Fancy Shower Reset Effect

THE INDULGENCE! Can you cope? The Fancy Shower can involve some or all of the above, whatever you feel you need to include. And when you’ve done the ones you need, the feeling of being reset is real. You’ll feel like you have your shit together, you’ll feel invigorated and ready to face your life, you’ll feel better head to toe from indulging in this relatively simple exercise.

My five fancy shower essentials

  1. Neom Real Luxury Multi Mineral Bath Salts, €46
  2. Seoulista Beauty Super Hydration Instant Facial 3 Pack, €24
  3. Image MD Restoring Post-Treatment lip balm, €38
  4. Kerastase Blond Absolu Cicaflash Treatment, €23.45
  5. L’Occitane Réotier Mineral Moisture Mask, €35