Dipbrow Pomade is an Instagram icon, a staple in most beauty lovers’ make-up bags and is known internet-wide as a way to perfect your brows, no matter how sparse they are. I love it deeply, but have a few gripes…
My first experience of the Anastasia Beverly Hills hero product was a negative one – in that, due to a sheer lack of brow application skill on my part, I made a hames of it. The product itself seemed to work for everyone else, though, so I persisted.
Eventually, I overcame the gripes listed below and now? I am a very firm believer in the power of the iconic pomade. What I’m saying to you is – if you’re struggling with your Dipbrow, read my gripes and the solutions I found, and if any of them apply to you, don’t lose heart. Once you sort them, you too will become a devout ABH devotee. Promise.
The brush problem: No brush I owned was wafer thin enough to give the desired effect
A thinner-than-thin brush is needed, and so I set about buying the NYX No.18 Brow Brush from Boots. My experience with Dipbrow was better as a result. I applied it and was happier with the finished look.
Related: How to encourage your brows to grow
The drying out problem: The pot was drying out when there was still at least 30-40 brow applications left
Basically, don’t be like Past Aisling and wander off and forget about your open jar of eyebrow product – what did I expect to happen, really? The product was not at fault here, guys.
The ‘bits’ problem: The smooth gel/pomade texture was clumping into little bits
I don’t know how to stop it happening, but I know that using your brush to soften it out, warm it up and make a sort of paste works the clumps back into the main mixture and hey presto, it’s perfect again.
The ‘too dark’ problem: I got the wrong shade for my face because I bought it online
Solve that one by heading to Arnotts or Brown Thomas, both of which now stock Anastasia Beverly Hills. Try a few on for size, go outside if needs be to see it in natural light, ask the make-up artists on counter for a hand choosing if you’re stuck. Once you’ve the right shade and the right brush, you’re pretty much golden.
Main photo: via Unsplash
Read more: How to encourage your brows to grow
Read more: My Benefit brow experience
Read more: Ask the expert: How to perfect ‘muted’ brows