The skin on my neck never really bothered me before now, but recently I noticed it’s in way worse condition than the skin on my face and I’m confused… What have I been doing wrong?
Now, before you come at me with the ‘it’s probably because we all look down at our phones so much now!’ schtick, I have to ask… In the good ‘ol days, did everyone hold their books, magazines and newspapers up directly in front of their faces? No. I’ve been craning my neck to read for years, sans mobile phone, and so I don’t believe that for a second.
However, what I do believe is, I haven’t been doing some of the key things I might have needed to do to protect the skin on my neck. For instance…
I always, always have SPF on my face, even on overcast days. On sunny days, of course, I use SPF everywhere, but on regular days, I often skip my neck. Don’t tell on me. So from now on, no skipping it.
Another thing I would always endeavour to do is exfoliate and properly care for the skin on my face. And often, I’ll bring the serums down onto my neck if I’ve used too much on my face. But I rarely, if ever, exfoliate my neck properly. And I hardly ever bring my ‘good’ cleanser down to my neck because I figure I’ll wash it in the shower anyway. But not anymore. Any treats my face gets, the skin on my neck will also get.
Did you know that alcohol can dramatically dehydrate your skin? And many perfumes contain high levels of alcohol. So if you’re spraying your neck every day with the stuff, it might start to have an effect.
There are products you can use that are formulated with the skin on your neck in mind. Here are three I’ve tried recently in a bid to reduce the wrinklage…
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