The IMAGE Mother’s Day Gift Guide
The IMAGE Mother’s Day Gift Guide


Søstrene Grene’s Easter collection is making us excited for spring
Søstrene Grene’s Easter collection is making us excited for spring

Megan Burns

5 signs your relationship has run its course, according to a therapist
5 signs your relationship has run its course, according to a therapist


Image / Beauty

So Merman Hair is a Thing Now…

By Lauren Heskin
27th Jun 2015
So Merman Hair is a Thing Now…

Thinking about dying your hair for the summer months? That’s fairly normal and so are bright streaks and pretty hues of pink and blue. But men are usually less adventurous when it comes to their hair- for most blokes their most pressing hair decision is whether to?comb it or not? And the answer is usually ‘Nah…”.

But?the beard frenzy that was 2014 has’morphed into something different for 2015 – Merman hair. Yep, ruggedly handsome men (with beards, obviously) are dying their facial and head hair colours normally reserved for Ariel and her mates. While we never quite got on board with the the more extreme hipster/homeless beards (too much like?The Twits if you ask us) we are oddly attracted to these men with heads in oceanic tones.

It could be that seeing the softer, more feminine side of these mountain men has melted our hearts or it could just be that good-looking men also look handsome in beards and multi-coloured hair. Either way, time for an ogle.


Scheming — @leavesyoubreathless

A photo posted by LUKE DAVIS (@lukedavisthegrey) on

Who knew burgundy and lilac went so well together? Well at least on this guy they do. ?

With a smile like that we wouldn’t notice if his?hair was bright blue… Oh wait…

Vitamin d break to remedy these hangovers #sunshineday A photo posted by Nick Byrne (@nicholasjulianb) on

?A (mer)man and his dog(fish).

Sorry. ?

The Matty’s at the beach! #beard #bluebeard #bluehair #thefelicias #themattys #hanlans #pride2015

A photo posted by Matty Leblanc (@matty1028) on

?These two look like their hair could be sea moss waving around in the swell and it’s oddly soothing.

? Highlighter purple and yet it doesn’t scream “LOOK AT ME” – that’s a fine art.

#thanks #cumberlandtrail #people #new #signs #rock @cumberlandtrailsst ??

A photo posted by Thomas Bird (@holyshizbatmanguy) on

This guy’s our favourite, no explanation needed. Look at those eyes… We mean hair and beard of course…