Categories: Beauty

The Gourmet Diet

30th Apr 2016

As the temperatures rise, so does the need to divest of woolly jumpers and consider what lies beneath. With plenty of time (we hope!) before swimsuit season, the IMAGE team trials some alternative ways to shape up. IMAGE CEO Clodagh Edwards shares her experience with The Gourmet Diet.



To lose the IMAGE half stone. A combination of neverending cupcakes (but don’t stop sending them, folks!) and Christmas cheer meant that by last January, my clothes were beginning to pinch.


The healthy, calorie-controlled food delivery service from GourmetFuel.

Clodagh Edwards and Melanie Morris at the 2016 Image Business of Beauty AwardsClodagh Edwards and Melanie Morris at the 2016 Image Business of Beauty Awards


Twelve weeks.


My mission started with a consultation with GourmetFuel founder and nutritionist Emma Buckley to discuss my lifestyle, habits and goals. With weight – and fat – loss in mind, Emma suggested a plan of three meals per day totalling 1,500 healthy calories a day; the meals were prepared by GourmetFuel’s resident chef. After six weeks and checking in with Emma, I decreased to 1,200 calories per day. I didn’t exercise, other than power walk at weekends.


I would receive deliveries twice a week, with three days? worth of food, and water, in each delivery. I was then allowed one ?cheat? day off plan to eat what I wanted, within reason. Meals could be stored in the fridge and came in microwaveable containers. I can honestly say everything was delicious, in very satisfying portions, so I never felt hungry or deprived. I’d still get hormonal cravings from time to time, and on that week, I’d forgo my cheat day and ration out a few treats to satisfy cravings. I tried to stay away from alcohol throughout the trial, although did allow myself two nights out in lieu of cheat days.


I lost 10lb in about ten weeks, and got back into my previous size jeans, which I hadn’t seen in a long time. I absolutely loved how I felt each day. The low-cal, low-carb diet meant that not only was I proud of my results and back in my skinny jeans, but living life without feeling groggy and bloated.


Dieting can be very easy and convenient when you know the right people! The fact that GourmetFuel would deliver to my home, or office, made it easy to stay on track.


Anyone with a busy lifestyle. Working twelve-hour days means that instead of dialling the takeaway, you can reach into the fridge for a tasty, nutritious meal.

Meal Plan GF1500 costs from €99 per week for eight weeks,