Categories: Beauty

The time-release night mask that’s loved by the skin queen of the internet

by Aisling Keenan
23rd Jan 2020

A time-release mask that is both packed with actives and also got the seal of approval from the most trusted source for skin online? I’ll take ten, please…

You know you’re onto a winner when beauty expert and famous straight-talker Caroline Hirons says she rates it. And that’s what I found out recently about new-to-Ireland brand Allies of Skin. Caroline is all for their science-based, results-driven and “no bullsh*t stories” way of approaching skincare.

A firm favourite of Caroline’s, it launched into Space NK and I was dying to try some of their hero products. They’ve a mandelic acid pigmentation corrector which is supposed to be incredible for the complexion, but the first thing I put on my ‘must-try’ list was the overnight mask.


Allies of Skin 1A Retinal and Peptides Overnight Mask

€135 from Space NK

Packed with time-release goodness

It has so many actives it’s hard to keep them all straight. It contains encapsulated retinol, a 13.5% peptide complex, nine antioxidants and five brighteners.

Yes, you read that right. Nine antioxidants. It’s jam-packed with them. My skin after only one night using it felt so refreshed and soft, like it had been resurfaced overnight. Which, essentially, it had been. I use it on my face and neck every second night, and it should be applied to clean skin after cleansing and toning and should only be used overnight.


The reason I found it so good is that it does all it’s great hydrating, brightening and anti-ageing work overnight, but doesn’t irritate at all. A small miracle based on all of the powerful ingredients. It was enjoyable to use, smelled good but not too overpowering or scented and I didn’t feel sticky for the night (nor did half of it end up on my pillow).

Some more of its perks:

  • Protects against environmental aggressors
  • Works to reduce acne breakouts
  • Diminishes the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles
  • Helps to reduce and reverse sun damage
  • Boosts skin’s natural defences

It’s also vegan, and boosts the skin’s natural barrier into the bargain. Like I said, I’ll take ten.

Read more: Everything you need to know about sleep-in face masks

Read more: Why the sudden mania around face masking?

Read more: Clay masks that really detox the skin

Photo from Pexels