Cosy tights season is here, but we can’t stop thinking about the Chanel ones
By Holly O'Neill
24th Sep 2020
24th Sep 2020
There is warmth and joy in the arrival of cosy season. There is also these Chanel tights
Look, I know all around you is doom and gloom. It’s terrible. It’s endless. Reading the news is like micro-dosing on terror and poison and misery. Will there be fun again?
Summer passed by in a blip. No holidays, no friends, no floaty dresses, but still that slightly panicky feeling that you should be Making The Most Of It and Doing Things, which basically meant trying to find a sunny patch in your back garden to read in. Except all the children weren’t at school and it was impossible to think, let alone read with them screeching on a trampoline all day.
Now the weather has started to drop and it’s already getting darker. This is in fact, great news. Sure, you’re mentally still in March. But cosy season is here, and that brings only good things. The pressure to Do Things is over. Great TV shows and movies are about to land, which you can sit in and watch all weekend without feeling guilty about Not Making The Most Of It. Bake Off has already returned.
Any day now, you’ll be sticking the fire on and having a bath. Put your flimsy pyjamas away for the year and get your ones made entirely of fluff laid out on the bed. Get a fleecy blanket out for the couch. Also, get outside and get a break from your family quick — we’re currently in that too small period where the leaves are red and crunchy and it’s both sunny and cold outside, meaning it’s time for the fashion combination that makes everyone a ride: your winter coat and your sunglasses.
It’s also time for hearty food. On August 31, so excited were we to wave goodbye to summer, me and my friend booked in for our first roast of the year. This is the time for buttery potatoes and hot stews and red wine and cheesey pasta.
Its time to paint your nails something vinaceous, to reintroduce your creamy moisturiser, to put away your citrusy light perfume in favour of some oaky, sexy man scent. But joy of all joys, it’s the time where really great fashion returns. Goodbye pastels! Give me sleeves and big pockets that hold everything. Give me a rich navy or burgundy woolly jumper. Give me a buttery camel wool coat. Give me a break from shaving with a pair of tights.
Will we be wearing tights with nowhere to go? If, like me, you like to slather yourself in body lotion after the shower, you’ll have a love/hate relationship with tights. Sure they offer a security blanket of hiding a visible underwear line and making you feel more capable of a short hemline, but having to wait ten minutes for your cream to dry so as to not gag when putting them on is painful. They offer the warmth needed on a bitter commute, unless they manage to get wet and cause you to shiver all day.
I guess, should we decide we’d like to wear a skirt or a dress between now and the end of All This, we’re going to need a pair of tights in our arsenal. Well I’ve found mine and they are the most beautiful, impractical pair I’ve ever seen.
Chanel AW20
They are these ones from Chanel, with tiny branded Chanel logos. They’re the no make-up make-up of the tights world, so sheer they can barely even be called tights. They will require you to stand still all day as to even think fleetingly about moving will cause them to ladder.
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Imagine paying €360 for tights for them to ladder. I cannot think of anything more extra than buying a pair of €360 tights right now, when you can’t even do anything. But they’re all I can think about. They’re not available online or on the Chanel website, they’re only available in stores.
Bonus points though (can you tell I’m trying to justify this to myself); if you did buy them, you’d wouldn’t have to buy anything else all winter. All your old skirts and plain dresses and boots would be automatically improved upon by the inclusion of these beautiful tights.
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It’s ludicrous money for tights, I know. But like all the upcoming joy on the way to us, just the thought of them has saved me from the doom and gloom.
Photography by Jason Lloyd Evans.
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