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Embroidery artist Domino Whisker shares 5 of her favourite creatives to follow

By Megan Burns
12th Aug 2021
Embroidery artist Domino Whisker shares 5 of her favourite creatives to follow

The Dublin-based artist takes inspiration from a wide variety of sources.

In the Spring issue of IMAGE, we visited the Dublin home of embroidery artist Domino Whisker, capturing her treasure-trove of interesting objects and speaking to her about her work. 

Each shelf and corner reveals yet another delight, another storied and interesting object, and Domino says she takes constant inspiration from these things, many of which once belonged to members of her family, or conjure up a specific memory.

We also took the chance to ask Domino about other artists whose work she admires, here are five of her favourites that are definitely worth a follow.

Sheena Miyake

I Sheena met a few years ago when she attended my embroidery workshop here in Dublin, she is a beautiful embroidery artist turned curator. She absolutely didn’t need any help from me with embroidery — she already had such a wonderful style. 

Her work is delicate, emotional and often playful. Her Instagram account is a wonderful source of inspiration and she uses it beautifully to amplify artists’ work.

Trina McKillen

Trina is my aunt, and lives in California. I spent a lot of time in her studio as a kid, which had a massive influence on my way of viewing the world and how to express my emotions through my work.

Her recent exhibition in Château La Coste was mind blowingly powerful, entitled Bless Me Child For I Have Sinned.

Kathryn Davey

In her Dublin-based natural dye and textile studio, Kathryn uses plant extracts to hand dye all of her natural fibre goods. She hosts workshops and shares her processes online, which I constantly look at.

She reminds me to take joy from every part of the process, no matter how time consuming they might be.

Adrien Vescovi

A French artist who makes huge paintings using layered fabrics which have been left outdoors to be weathered naturally by the elements. The size and colour palette Adrien uses makes me feel calm and grounded.

Azumi Sakata

Azumi Sakata is a Tokyo-based artist skilled in embroidery and goldwork. Her work is elegant and thought provoking.

Portrait by Melanie Mullan.

See more of Domino’s home and read the full interview in the Spring issue of IMAGE Magazine.