Categories: Fashion

Why you should dress up for no reason

by Ellen Bird
17th Jan 2019

Some people are concerned with overdressing; others with underdressing. I’m somewhat in the middle. I usually don’t like drawing too much attention to how I dress, yet sometimes I do. Whether it’s grabbing a coffee, hauling home bags of groceries, topping up my manicure or visiting girlfriends, you’ll most likely find me in slouchy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. But on some other occasions, I’m obsessing over dangly earrings and an embellished clutch. I also have a multicoloured feather sweater I’ll whip out when I’m feeling spunky. As I debate whether or not it’s a dressing up or a messy bun kinda day, I have two main concerns – I can’t stand feeling sloppy, and being cold isn’t an option.

I’ve always been the kind of person that needed a reason to get dressed up, whether it was a night out or a dinner date. I love specific dress codes and knowing what the overall aesthetic of the girl squad is on any particular night. But my relationship with my baggy pants has kept growing as fewer plans are made and nights-in look more appetising; I’ve begun to dress lazily. But that’s the problem – I feel lazy BECAUSE I’m in sweatpants.

Now working for a fashion publication, there’s an expectation to dress up. Nothing crazy like platform heels and jewelled capes, but just, being dressed. I’m lucky that the office doesn’t have a super strict dress code, but you know, I can’t look like I’ve just rolled out of bed. I, like most, dress up for work because dabbing on some makeup and straightening my hair affects my mood, work ethic and everyday productivity. But why does dressing up for no reason have to be any different?

I hate the question “Why are YOU so dressed up?”. Today, in a society where athleisure wear is normcore and Adidas originals are anything but original, there is a preconceived idea that dressing up is showing off. I personally get so happy when a I pass by a working woman on the street and she’s wearing killer heels and a sequinned blazer, all while juggling three babies under the age of five. There’s honestly nothing more glam. Dressing for a wedding or your 25th birthday is fun and all, but dressing for yourself, everyday, is even more fun.

And what’s better than being d.r.e.s.s.e.d when you’re coming from either a long day at the office or the supermarket to meet friends in a local bar? You just feel like such a boss. If you’re a lover of fashion, you’ll understand that fashion is the greatest form of self-expression. When you look good, you feel good. Fashion is truly powerful in that sense. It’s transformative, it’s therapeutic. Dress up everyday for you; because fashion is about expressing your creative self, whether that style is minimalistic, beautifully eclectic or down-right chic.