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I tried this new body oil and it left my skin soft and glowing

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By Shayna Sappington
08th Aug 2022
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I tried this new body oil and it left my skin soft and glowing

Do you have dry and sensitive skin? Here’s why you should consider adding body oil into your skincare routine.

Met Eireann has predicted a late-summer sunny spell, so don’t pack away those denim shorts, flowy skirts and floral dresses just yet. At the news of warmer weeks ahead (or so we hope – we can manifest good weather, right?), my inner voice reminded me that it’s ‘leg season’ once again. *Cue slight internal panic* 

As someone who hasn’t quite worked up the courage to regularly self-tan (to be honest, I couldn’t be bothered), I took a long look at my dry, pasty legs and tried to find an easy solution. My skin tone is quite pale and freckled with pink undertones, and at the slightest hint of a breeze, my skin goes blotchy.

But my biggest issue of late has been dry skin. I’ve tried moisturising tanning lotions and creamy body butters but they either leave behind an uneven skin tone or a thick and greasy residue, an effect that is only heightened by heat. And the last thing I want is to have sweat patches behind my knees when I’m trying to feel confident and enjoy myself on a day out.

Enter the Aveeno Skin Relief Body Oil Spray. Because of my tempestuous skin, I’d previously avoided body oils, for many of them are packed with perfumed ingredients and I tend to stick to plain Jane skincare. But this oil is hypoallergenic* and suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Rescue post-shower, dry skin

My skin is at its driest after a sweltering shower, so when I emerge, I towel-dry my arms and legs, apply a few sprays of body oil on each limb, then massage it all in. Made with oat and jojoba oil, the first thing I notice is the glorious smell – a luxury for those of us with sensitive skin (as most hypoallergenic products are fragrance-free).

The second is how easily it’s absorbed into the skin. When I use my body butters, I usually have to let them dry while I’m blow drying my hair or applying make-up, but the oil absorbs much faster, taking seconds rather than minutes. By the time I’ve finished brushing my hair, it’s completely dry and I’m ready to get dressed.

How it works

Similar to face oils, body oils are typically absorbed much quicker into the skin. They help lock in moisture by creating a physical barrier that prevents water from escaping. 

What makes the Aveeno Skin Relief Oil unique is that it works restoratively. Its ingredients (colloidal oat and jojoba oil) are rich in lipids and fatty acids, and its formula helps restore the skin’s natural barrier and aids in moisturising dry and tight skin.

In fact, 96 per cent of users said their skin felt instantly soft after use** and, after just one week, it can help with uneven skin texture. I noticed this especially on my arms, where I frequently get dry patches. Since using the body oil post-shower, and topping up my arms each morning, I haven’t noticed any dry patches spring up in their usual places.

Legs for days


On shaving days, I apply the body oil first, then follow up with Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion, as I find my legs need that extra boost of moisture. Its triple prebiotic oat complex and shea butter deeply hydrate skin. On most days though, I opt for the oil solo.

If I’m in a hurry or going out in an outfit that shows my legs, it’s my go-to top-up because it leaves my skin super smooth with a gorgeous glow. It’s really easy to apply, too. I simply spray it a few times on my legs, massage it in and my skin becomes buttery soft. Plus, it smells divine, helping me refresh after a long work day and giving me a little confidence boost before a night out.

*Formulated to minimise the risk of allergies

**Home use test on 29 participants in 2019

Feeling your best starts with beautiful skin. With ingredients like Prebiotic Triple Oat Complex and shea butter, AVEENO® body-care products gently cleanse and moisturise, leaving skin smooth, soft and healthy looking. Shop the range now.