You gave your sea swimming habit a little break over Christmas... but suddenly it's almost April and you've yet to get back in the water. Don't worry, a long-sleeved swimsuit will make your first dip back that little bit easier.
As we inch ever closer to summer and the weather finally starts getting better, you may be feeling ready to get back in the sea. As just about anyone who has tried it will tell you, there’s an addictive magic to stripping off and submerging yourself in ice-cold water. Wim Hof was onto something, you know.
Irish people have always been drawn to the sea, but never more so than in the past few years when many turned to the practise during lockdown – there was a notable shift in favour of outdoor pursuits and swimming quickly became the nation’s new hobby of choice. Learn to ignore the voice shouting “run” inside your head and the process becomes much easier.
Other accoutrements that help, include but are not limited to, hot water bottles, flasks of tea, tote bags laden with post-swim pastries and swim socks (exceptionally uncool, but a necessity all the same).
A long-sleeved swimsuit will also save you a world of trouble. You’ll still be cold, mind, but most of it comes down to the placebo effect anyway; the more fabric you see, the less time you’ll have to spend convincing yourself to get “just get in already!”.
Below are some of our favourite long-sleeved swimsuits.
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