The T&B range is designed to add a unique activewear leisure style to the Irish women’s wardrobe.
I remember getting a fashion wheel as a Christmas present and that was the start of it!
We specialise in high-quality activewear. Our leggings are designed for the Irish woman and use our own unique fabric called Trendex. It’s a thicker and warmer version of spandex fabric. We also stock sweaters and hoodies.
Funding is always a concern when you are starting out, but we have been lucky to have grown our business organically over the last eight years.
For skincare, I love Skin Formulas. My skin has never been better since I started using their products. When it comes to shopping, I’m currently in love with Nadine Merabi. I adore The Frankie shop for style trends and Revolve for fashion.
It works for every occasion and styles up every outfit! Trendy trainers are also on my radar.
My husband keeps reminding me not to listen to the noise or look at what our competitors are doing, just concentrate on making our brand the best it can be by focusing on quality design and fabrics. Business aside, my family are my proudest achievement to date.
I’m always delighted when Vogue Williams wears my brand – I love her style. Emma Willis would be another person who I would love to see wear T&B. I just love her look.
Photography by Jane Deasy.