air quality

alternative asthma treatments


Three alternative asthma treatments to try this hayfever season

Approximately 80% of people with asthma also suffer from hayfever, which can make summer days a nightmare. These…

By Grace McGettigan

Ikea air purifying curtains


From air-purifying curtains to Art Deco lamps, our pick of Ikea’s spring collection

Ikea has a range of new products launching this February, so we've picked out our favourite pieces from…

By Megan Burns

asthma Ireland Cróna Tansey, asthma awareness


‘All of a sudden I was really struggling’: 1 person in Ireland dies from asthma every 6 days

Asthma costs the state €472 million every year, both in medical costs and days lost from work. Not…

By Grace McGettigan

No Smoking


#NoSmokingDay: 16 people die every day from smoking in Ireland

Almost 6,000 Irish people die from smoking every year; that’s 16 preventable deaths per day. It doesn’t have…

By Grace McGettigan

Living walls


Parents call for ‘living walls’ to be installed in London schools

Parents in London are fundraising for the installation of 'living walls' in their children's schools, in an effort…

By Grace McGettigan