

A beginner’s guide to Meals on Wheels volunteering (and why it’s so great)

This week Geraldine Carton attempted to ease her internal guilt by volunteering with a Meals on Wheels group…

By Geraldine Carton



No food, 1,234 dead, and thousands missing: Indonesia needs our help

On Friday, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake caused a 20-foot tsunami to strike the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia; sweeping…

By Grace McGettigan

Breast cancer


Ten products to shop while also supporting breast cancer awareness

On average, eight women in Ireland are diagnosed with breast cancer every single day. Charities including the Irish…

By Grace McGettigan


Working in palliative care: ‘The majority of people are peaceful as death approaches’

In advance of this Thursday’s Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice Together with Bewley’s, a member of the palliative…

By Lia Hynes


The Changemakers: Christina Noble on why you’re never too old to change and shape the world around you In this month's issue of IMAGE magazine, we talked to the Irish women who are making a big impact…



Positive ways to channel that political energy now the referendum is over

Ireland’s most recent referendum saw people (myself included) getting involved with politics in a way that they never…

By Geraldine Carton


‘Katie passed away at home, with all of us around her. Without LauraLynn we wouldn’t have those memories’

With the birth of a baby, it’s easy to take for granted the endless years of family time…

By Geraldine Carton


Rape Crisis Centre receives over €30k following Belfast rape trial verdict

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre received over €30,000 in donations in the few days following the Belfast rape…

By Grace McGettigan