


Three years as a freelancer, here’s what I’ve learned

Living the dream or tied to my laptop? Life as a freelancer can have its ups and downs.…

By Victoria Stokes

Lessons learned from a self-employed novice


Lessons learned from a self-employed novice: Create. Meltdown. Invoice. Repeat.

Seven months after leaving her feathery, employment nest, Esther O'Moore Donoghue has some discovered some key insights about…

By Esther O'Moore Donohoe

'After of a decade of Christmas shifts, there'll be no more for me': Esther O'Moore Donohoe


‘After of a decade of Christmas shifts, there’ll be no more for me’: Esther O’Moore Donohoe

There'll be no Christmas shifts for Esther O’Moore Donohoe this year as she waves off the dreaded Christmas…

By Esther O'Moore Donohoe


Making the leap: When leaving your ‘dream’ job is the right thing to do

What happens when the dream job is no longer living the dream? Leaving apparent career gold to leap…

By Lia Hynes



5 things you must know BEFORE you go freelance

When Jennifer McShane decided to take a year out to freelance, she quickly realised her perceptions of what…

By Jennifer McShane

Claire Beck via @clairisbeckis


Long days and no weekends: the reality of working as a freelancer

In part two of this three-part series, Louise Bruton introduces the real-life challenges of working the seemingly glam job of a…

By Louise Bruton

Freelancer work in Ireland - Justine King and Tara Stewart


There are perks to being a freelance worker, but here’s the reality

In part one of this three-part series, I introduce the real-life challenges of working the seemingly glamorous job of a…

By Louise Bruton

switch off


Five tips to really help you switch off when you leave the office

A new working day has begun, but already some of us are happily anticipating leaving the office to…

By Jennifer McShane



Five Irish co-working spaces to enhance your productivity

There are plenty of benefits of co-working spaces, especially for self-employed creatives. Co-working staves off the loneliness of…

By IMAGE Interiors & Living


What Matters When a Cafe Becomes Your Freelance Office

Freelance work. Love it or hate it, it’s inevitable that it will sometimes require you to go all JK…

By Geraldine Carton