

Five tips on how to start investing money

You’ve got some money to invest, but you’ve never ventured into investment territory. What should you be doing?…


Female investors you should know in 2024


‘Hunting unicorns and breeding angels’: 4 female investors every Irish founder should know

The IMAGE Business Club is home to many enterprising female founders who are raising finance for their businesses…

By Fiona Alston

trendless wardrobe capsule wardrobe


Rise of the ‘trendless’ wardrobe: 15 pieces that are timeless and will be kept forever

As we move away from fast fashion, the idea of the 'trendless' wardrobe is on the rise. Here…

By Edaein OConnell


SS19 has arrived to your favourite online boutiques

As IMAGE’s fashion assistant, and a New York City Fashion Institute of Technology graduate, I'm around fashion fairly…

By Ellen Bird


Eight heritage suits for women who love a masculine look

I love a good man's suit - on a woman. Ironically, there's just something so perfectly feminine about…

By Ellen Bird


15 stand-out trench coats sitting in our shopping baskets

Traditional trench coats have been given a shake-up. Not so much known as a fashion statement, the adorned…

By Ellen Bird


Our five favourite puffer jackets for colder weather

With Storm Ali interrupting our morning commutes and fiddling with our electricity wires, we’re all well-aware summer has…

By Ellen Bird