life lessons


I’ve been ugly and beautiful and the difference is depressing

"Beauty, if or when you acquire it, is a currency but the currency of hotness is a fleeting…

By Sophie White


My sons (and yours) could be future perpetrators of abuse

In light of recent events – the horrifying murder of Ashling Murphy and broad daylight attacks on women…

By Sophie White


This challenging year has taught me that it’s ok to be vulnerable

Before Covid-19, Louise Slyth was a worrier. But 2021 has gifted her with a new perspective, and lease…

By Louise Slyth


Lessons in love I had to learn the hard (and often mortifying) way in my 20s

From the medicinal properties of quintessential break-up behaviours (do not bother resisting the ice cream bender) to cultivating…

By Sophie White

Michelle Obama


Michelle Obama’s latest wise life lessons apply to us all

The former first lady didn't shy away from uncomfortable questions and truths in her Dear Class of 2020…

By Jennifer McShane


Amy Huberman: ‘I’ve learned that we are resilient, despite the wobbles we feel’

We asked influential Irish women around the world what they have learned since the pandemic began. Here, Amy…


eco-friendly death


How to have an eco-friendly death in Ireland

With the global population becoming increasingly eco-conscious, we've re-discovered this article about eco-friendly deaths in the archives. Death…

By Geraldine Carton


Strong women giving the stink eye: what I’ve saved on Instagram this week

Every Monday, our Deputy Digital Editor trawls through her saturated 'saved' folder on Instagram and recaps her thoughts…

By Erin Lindsay



Fetch Beauty founder Lucy McPhail: ‘My top five tips for staying organised’

Lucy McPhail, founder and CEO of Fetch Beauty, has a very busy schedule. She’s operating a luxury retail…

By Grace McGettigan


Leaving college is like being hungover; thirsty for life but too broke to do anything about it.

So what happens now? After a total of eighteen years in the cocoon of education, I am a…

By Edaein OConnell



These apartments are the reason I still live with my parents

It's no secret the rental market in Dublin stinks. If you're not a lottery winner or a high…

By Grace McGettigan

The Spill


This week on The Spill: Starting afresh, bad parenting and body-shaming

Have you ever had one of those days that screamed for a wine and chats sesh with your girlfriends?…

By Grace McGettigan