


Why Always is removing the female symbol from its period products

When it comes to female sanitary products, there's much that could be improved. There's still a lot of…

By Jennifer McShane



A form of protest: a book containing tampons is selling by the thousands

A new 'Tampon Book' - a protest against Germany’s 19% tax on tampons as “luxury goods” is flying…

By Jennifer McShane



#EndPeriodPoverty: Historic women’s Caucus period poverty motion receives full Dáil support

Today was a historic day for women in politics and indeed, a huge step forward for women and…

By Jennifer McShane

Jette founder of ilo - tampon brand


This eco-friendly tampon brand is helping to fight period poverty in Ireland

As it's the week of International Women's Day, we want to shine a light on women supporting women.…

By Grace McGettigan

Sex education


Sex education in UK to include FGM, sexting and menstrual health

It wouldn't be unfair to say, that on Irish shores, our current sex education is nothing to boast…

By Jennifer McShane



New findings say contraceptive pill can be taken ‘every day of the month’

Women are now being told they can take the contraceptive pill every day of the month, after scientists…

By Jennifer McShane



As sustainability month comes to a close we hear how team IMAGE got on

Challenge: Grow your own vegetables By Sophie Teyssier, Social Media Manager When I heard was going to…


Sanitary products


World first: Scotland to offer free sanitary products to all students

Scotland has become the world’s first country to introduce free sanitary products to its citizens in an effort…

By Grace McGettigan

The Spill


Sustainability, crop tops and the menopause – it’s The Spill

Have you ever had one of those days that screamed for a wine and chats sesh with your girlfriends?…

By Grace McGettigan


This is why you need to open your eyes to Ireland’s period poverty problem. Period.

As women, we have all experienced the discomfort of periods: the cramps; the aching pains; the plummeting mood;…

By Geraldine Carton

Amika George via BBC Radio


Brave UK teen calls on Theresa May for free sanitary products

It's hard to believe that in 2018, tampons and pads are still classed as ‘luxury’ items in the…

By Grace McGettigan

Lunette menstrual cups


Move over pads and tampons: Three game-changing period inventions you need to know

We’ve been doing it for so long, we don’t really think about it: Your period arrives, and you…

By Nathalie Marquez Courtney