reproductive health

Emma Watson


Read the letter Emma Watson wrote to Savita Halappanavar

In 2018, actress and human rights activist Emma Watson wrote a touching tribute to Savita Halappanavar. On the…

By Grace McGettigan



Perimenopause: 4 symptoms you may not know about

We chatted with Catherine O' Keefe of The Wellness Warrior about the symptoms of perimenopause that often go…

By Edaein OConnell


‘Freezing your eggs is no guarantee of a child’: The questions to ask before freezing your eggs

There are some important questions you need to ask yourself (and answer) before deciding to freeze your eggsWomen's…

By Edaein OConnell



Lynn Enright: ‘It’s no wonder young women are vaccine hesitant’

We shouldn’t rush to ridicule or admonish vaccine hesitant young women. Their fears and concerns need to be…

By Lynn Enright

female genital mutilation - The Girl From Mogadishu


Female genital mutilation: how 1 woman used her traumatic experience as a positive force for change

Ifrah Ahmed suffered female genital mutilation as a child, but it wasn't until she was trafficked from Somalia…

By Grace McGettigan

acupuncture fertility


Trying for a baby? Here’s how acupuncture can help to improve your fertility

We spoke with a Dublin-based acupuncturist about how the ancient Chinese practice can help to improve fertility in…

By Grace McGettigan