scenes from a marriage



My husband left me with four young children, cleared out our savings account and disappeared

It's been 11 years since Alice Sommers' husband departed Ireland for unknown foreign lands leaving her with money…



How to save a marriage after 10 years, two kids, multiple miscarriages and redundancies

Anna Whitehouse (aka Mother Pukka) will be in conversation with Dominique McMullan this Friday, April 24th at 8pm…



Things fall apart: Instead of religion, we have our networks

In the last year, Liadan Hynes' marriage fell apart. She is now working on adjusting to the new…

By Lia Hynes


The seven emotional stages of watching Room to Improve

Sophie White reflects on the feelings vortex her weekly date with Room To Improve has become I'm not…

By Sophie White


The ‘Dads are useless’ narrative completely lets men off the hook

This week an exhausted mother-of-two wrote an open letter asking her husband for more help but is this…

By Sophie White


Scenes From A Marriage: That time he completely ignored Mother’s Day (oh yes, really)

A loud and proud, serial-ignorer of hallmark holidays, Sophie White was left (irrationally) incensed when no mention was…

By Sophie White


Scenes From A Marriage: 12 Years Of Deteriorating Valentine’s Days

When you find someone to love, you also find someone to hate, Sophie White explores how her Valentine’s…

By Sophie White


Scenes From A Marriage: The Eternal What’ll We Watch Debate (And Some Good Suggestions)

A new quirk of having too much choice in quality programming is that most evenings are spent locked…

By Sophie White