Tony Holohan

Covid crying


Tears, fears and tissues: The 5 types of Covid crying we’re all by now familiar with

It goes without saying that most of us have had a little cry during this crisis – here…

By Edaein OConnell

Dr Tony Holohan


Dr Tony Holohan’s return couldn’t have come at a better time

Wednesday evening marked the first press conference helmed by Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Tony Holohan since his…

By Jennifer McShane


Thank You: Team IMAGE pays tribute to Dr Tony Holohan

In light of Tony Holohan's announcement that he is temporarily stepping back from his role as Chief Medical…

By Edaein OConnell


Seven Irish children are being investigated for an inflammatory disease possibly linked to Covid-19

The cases of seven Irish children are being investigated for a Kawasaki-like inflammatory disease that has possible links…

By Edaein OConnell